You can e-mail your complaint to or submit it using the form on our contact page. We will handle your complaint within five working days.

All car parks are open 24/7, except for PG Floridastraat.
This one has changed opening hours, you can find them here . Please note the closing time! If your vehicle is still inside and the Floridastraat garage has to be opened especially for you, you will be charged €75.
75,- will be charged. You can call VMB: 0297-581583

The opening hours differ per bicycle shed and you can find them here:
Bicycle parking Kennemerplein
Bicycleparking Station
Bicycle parkingSmedestraat
Bicycleparking Botermarkt
Bicycle parkingTempeliersstraat
Jacobijnestraat bicycle stand

The bicycle parkings around Haarlem Central Station are free of charge. The public bicycle sheds in the city centre are free during the day for your bicycle, for a moped you pay €0.70. For overnight parking you pay €0.50 for your bicycle and €0.70 for your moped.

The parking garages Houtplein, de Kamp Raaks, and Dreef* are equipped with electrical charging points for cars.

*Only accessible for the Province

The Botermarkt and Tempeliersstraat bicycle parkings are equipped with electrical charging points for bicycles.

The headroom differs per garage. See below for the clearance heights per garage:
PG Houtplein: 1.95 m
PG Kamp: 2.00 m
PG Raaks: 2.00 m
PG Appelaar: 2.00 m
PG Cronjé: 2.10 m.
PG Dreef: 2.00 m
PG Floridastraat: 2.10 m

The following applies to resident parking garages:
BPG Kraaienhorst: 1.90 m
BPG Gangolfplein: 2.00 m
Pieterstraat BPG: 2.00 m
BPG Lange Margerethastraat: 2.00 m

The general terms and conditions of the car parks can be found here.

You can find the general terms and conditions of the bicycle sheds here.

You can reach one of our dispatchers 24/7 through the intercom at the entrance or exit.

You can contact our dispatchers 24/7 through the intercom at the payment terminal. Please have your license plate number ready.

If you exit within 15 minutes, the ticket you have taken will be free of charge. After this, you can re-enter the garage with your subscription. If you are parked for longer than 15 minutes, you will have to pay the regular rate for your parking ticket. In case of doubt, please contact our control room staff 24/7 via the intercom at the entrance or exit or at the pay machine.

You can reach one of our dispatchers 24/7 through the intercom at the entrance or exit.

The first invoice contains a one-time fee of € 11.30 for the subscription card.
It is also possible that a half of the month will be invoiced on top of the standard monthly invoice because of taking out a subscription after the 15th of a month. This means that you will pay for the remainder of the month and the whole of next month.

You can mail your question to or submit it through the form on our contact page. We will handle your complaint within five working days.

You can contact our dispatchers 24/7 through the intercom at the payment terminal. The dispatcher will take note of your details in case the owner of the damaged vehicle comes to us.

You can contact a dispatcher 24/7 through the intercom at the pay machines or the entrances and exits. They will be able to help you further. You can also send an e-mail to

You can contact a dispatcher 24/7 through the intercom at the payment terminal.

You can contact a dispatcher 24/7 via the intercom at the pay machines or the entrances and exits. You can also send an e-mail to or call +31 (0) 23 75 17 217.

Have you lost your driver's license, passport or certificate? These are immediately handed over to the municipality of Haarlem at the public hall at Zijlvest 39 in Haarlem.
Have you lost your personal OV-chipkaart? These will be immediately transferred to the Dutch Railways.
Have you lost your bank card? These will be destroyed immediately by order of De Nederlandse Bank in connection with contactless payments and must be blocked and replaced.

You can give a found object to a staff member at Parkeerservice Spaarnelanden . If that is not possible, you can also call 023-75 17 200 or 023-75 17 217 for more information.
Keys, passport, driver's license or ID can be handed in directly at the City Hall at the public hall at Zijlvest 39 in Haarlem.

You can contact a dispatcher 24/7 through the intercom at the payment terminal.

You can contact our dispatchers 24/7 through the intercom at the payment terminal. Please have your license plate number ready.

You can contact a dispatcher 24/7 through the intercom at the payment terminal.

You can pay for your parking ticket with the following units:
€ 0,10
€ 0,20
€ 0,50
€ 1,00
€ 2,00
€ 5,00
€ 10,00
€ 20,00

You can contact a dispatcher 24/7 through the intercom at the payment terminal.

You can request a receipt using the receipt form. After submitting the completed form, you will receive the receipt within five working days. Please note: applications for receipts older than two months will not be processed.

You may request a refund using the refund form. Please note that applications older than two months will not be processed. Subscriptions requested through our Park-spot online environment do not have a right of withdrawal.

You can withdraw a product from Parkeerservice Spaarnelanden up to 14 days after the start date of the subscription using the withdrawal form. Have you already used the subscription within these 14 days? You can still revoke your subscription. However, the parking costs incurred will be charged.

Please note: No right of withdrawal applies to subscriptions requested through our Park-spot online environment.

You can request a subscription through our product page.

You can cancel your subscription in writing using the cancellation form or contact customer service through

Any change in your subscription can be accomplished by mailing to We will process the change within five days.

You can mail your change to We will process the change within five days.

Any change in your subscription can be accomplished by mailing to We will process the change within five days.

Any change in your subscription can be accomplished by mailing to We will process the change within five days.

You can end your subscription at any time; the cancellation will happen on the first day of the next month (or the first day of any month if you wish to cancel a few months later). Please note that for most of our subscriptions you can't cancel before three months of your subscription have passed.

You can request a new subscription card through The fee for a new card is € 11.30 and will be charged on the next invoice. Your old subscription card will be blocked to prevent misuse.

You can buy a Month Pass or a Week Pass on the product page. In the parking garage, you can use the ticket you got at the entrance to get a Week Pass, or contact the dispatcher for a Month Pass.

A value card is a means of paying for parking costs. You can pay with a voucher at a pay machine.

An exit ticket allows you to leave a parking garage once. The exit ticket must be entered at the terminal of the exit where the car is parked.

You can contact a dispatcher 24/7 through the intercom at the entrance or exit or the payment terminal. You can also call +31 (0) 23 75 17 217. Our dispatcher will then contact enforcement of the municipality or the police.

Every parking garage has 24/7 camera surveillance. Camera surveillance is not available in every space in the garages.

There is camera surveillance in every bicycle parking. Camera surveillance is not available every space in the parkings.

You can register the vehicle of your guest on the website of the municipality of Haarlem. After that, this vehicle can be parked on the street in the same parking zone. You are responsible for signing out your visitors.

You can apply for an exemption on the website of the municipality of Haarlem.

Removed bicycles are registered on the website lost or found. These bikes are brought to the Spoordijk bicycle storage at Jansweg 15 near the station. Did you find your bicycle on the website? Then you can pick it up for €25,-. It is only possible to pay with a debit card.

The supervisors of the municipality of Haarlem remove bicycles from the public space for various reasons. Bicycles that are parked dangerously, for too long, or in an unauthorised area are removed. Also bicycles that have so many defects that they cannot function anymore, the so-called wrecks, are removed from the street.

As an integral maintenance company for the municipalities of Haarlem and Zandvoort, Parkeerservice Spaarnelanden has a great deal of knowledge about the latest developments, current legislation, and regulations in the region. This enables us to provide tailor-made advice on topics such as parking, accessibility and safety. If desired, we can also advise on matters such as waste separation, nature maintenance and playing facilities.

During a location survey, we map out the entrance and exit routes of the various means of transport and pedestrians to the location in question. We also provide insight into any bottlenecks and an estimate of the 'service area'.

Parkeerservice Spaarnelanden can give advice on:

  • Technical installations in the design and maintenance-friendly (re)design;
  • Operation of your parking facility;
  • (Fire) safety;
  • Visual decoration and wayfinding.

We can advise and offer services for the following locations:

  • Inner-city centres
  • Shopping malls
  • Office locations
  • Educational institutions
  • Supermarket locations
  • P+R locations
  • (Yacht) ports
  • Hospitals
  • Hotels
  • Dwellings/HOA

Read more about our services for the business market here.