Residents' garage Floridastraat subscription

For this location, it is possible to take out a residents' subscription for the immediate neighbours of the Floridastraat car park; such a subscription is granted under strict conditions.

The price for this monthly subscription is €17.40.

This subscription gives unlimited access 24 hours a day 7 days a week to the Floridastraat public parking garage in Haarlem.

You can only take out one residents' subscription for this car park per address, with a maximum of one licence plate.
Only residents of Californiaplein 19 to 177 are eligible for a residents' pass for Floridastraat, with the exception of Californiaplein 139 & 140.

The advantages of the Floridastraat resident subscription:

  • Maximum flexibility;
  • Easy parking close to your home;
  • Unauthorised persons outside opening hours.

For more information about the Floridastraat residents' subscription, we are available 24 hours a day via or 023 75 17 217.